A fun way to learn English with ICC
DALNAZ stands for Digital-Assisted Learning by Nazriani Lubis. It is technology tohelp you learning Intercultural Communication Competence (ICC) in English. DALNAZ offers you learner-centered approach in which you can create the project ICC by following the stages provided in this website.

DALNAZ stands for Digital-Assisted Learning by Nazriani Lubis. It is technology tohelp you learning Intercultural Communication Competence (ICC) in English. DALNAZ offers you learner-centered approach in which you can create the project ICC by following the stages provided in this website.The development of digital technology for English language teaching in higher education institutions (HEIs) is oriented towards intercultural communication competence for the needs of globalization and internationalization in the future. This is in line with the Indonesia Emas 2045 target and the implementation of IKU/MBKM that integrates learning with Intercultural Communicative Competence skills (ICC). The improvement of ICC is related to the goals of effective communication, which include attitude, skills, knowledge, and behavior in English. However, the lecturers and students of FKIP UMN Al-Washliyah still face obstacles, namely; the limited practice of ICC, the limited integration with learning tools, and the limited digital technology relevant to the needs of EFL (English as a Foreign Language) students. The ICC of Indonesian students can be achieved through the development of Digital-Assisted Learning (DAL) and the Willingness to Communicate (WTC) model based on Project-Based Learning (PjBL).DALNAZ stands for Digital-Assisted Learning by Nazriani Lubis. It is technology tohelp you learning Intercultural Communication Competence (ICC) in English. DALNAZ offers you learner-centered approach in which you can create the project ICC by following the stages provided in this website.
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